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Region Block Disclaimer

Region Block Disclaimer


Please note, from January 2022, all Dreame robot vacuum cleaners will have a mobile app region block restriction. 

What does the mobile app region block restriction do? 

If you purchase any Dreame robot vacuums that are either a) not an official New Zealand model, or b) not via an authorised retailer, you will not be able to sync your device with the ‘Dreamehome’ mobile app, and therefore, cannot use features provided through the app.

Additionally, we’d like to advise our customers that we do not manufacture a ‘Global Version’ of our products. Products purchased via our official New Zealand channels are official New Zealand models - meeting New Zealand regulations and standards. If you happen to purchase a Dreame product that is not advertised through our official site, and claims to be a ‘global version’ or 'international version' of our products, we strongly advise you to contact the sellers. If you’re unsure whether your product is an official Dreame robotic vacuum cleaner, please email us at and we would be happy to assist you. 

As a final statement, please appreciate that Dreame will not bear any responsibility if you purchase or use a product that was not intended for New Zealand or has been purchased from an unofficial marketplaces of the business. For this reason, we highly recommend completing your due diligence before making a purchase.